Bunker Claims Handling & Mitigation

A 2 Day Course on

Bunker Claims Handling &

Mitigation: Strategies Beyond Traditional Fuels

Learn what you need to know and do, to avoid problems, disputes and claims, resolve bunker disputes or defend a claim.

22 Aug 2023 to 23 Aug 2023, Singapore



This 2-day course will provide comprehensive coverage of what you need to know and do, to avoid problems, disputes and claims and devise strategies to resolve bunker disputes or defend a claim. The course will cover testing methodologies beyond the standard ISO 8217, including specialized areas and the latest case studies.


Since the implementation of the IMO 2020 sulphur cap regulations on 1 January 2020, the shipping industry has faced a new set of potential issues relating to bunker quality. There have been numerous complaints of contaminated fuels globally, notably in Houston, Panama & Singapore, causing engine damage, and sludge, fuel pump seizures and engine blackouts. With the forthcoming 2030 and 2050 IMO GHG compliance, alternative marine fuels will become the main fuel of choice. Participants will get to learn the issues experienced by some vessels in using these alternative fuels, in particular, biofuels which are currently the most widely available.

Key Strategies & Methodologies

  • Types of maritime and bunker claims
  • Supply contracts & good purchasing practice
  • Legal fundamentals of supply contracts
  • Roles & responsibilities of players in the bunkering supply chain
  • Testing beyond the scope ISO8217
  • Examining fitness for purpose & impact to buyers & sellers
  • Overview of loss or dispute factors
  • Investigative test methods, test witnessing & CSI scenarios
  • Claims – Documentation & evidence collection
  • The Burden of Proof in claims & the importance of mitigation
  • Setting up a bunker/cargo claims department
  • Considerations for litigation


Key Learning Outcomes

  • Learn and understand the technical and contractual basis of fuel quality, specification, determination of quantity and factors relating to its supply to vessels
  • Assess what can go wrong and how to improve the chances of avoiding problems, disputes and claims
  • Understand procedures for controlling risk factors and formulate strategies to resolve disputes and defend a claim
  • Gain an in-depth study of issues leading to disputes that occur and unconventional strategies for solutions
  • Examine & delve deeper into complicated dispute issues focusing on quality and off-specification parameters
  • Review requirements for setting up a bunker/cargo claims department
  • Implement effective strategies to avoid bunker claims and save costs for the company

Plus Case Studies & Role Play for a Moot Arbitration on Bunker Quality Claims

Course Director

William Tan

Miyabi Industries


William Tan has had more than 28 years in the marine industry. Trained in Environmental Engineering with a Masters’ Degree in International Business, he worked with DNV Petroleum Services from 1994 to 1999, marketing fuel testing and bunker services to the Japanese, Korean and South East Asian Markets. He founded Marine Fuel Consultants International Pte Ltd in the year 2000 with partners, providing services of fuel quality management and claims handling; in 2002, he joined Miyabi Industries Pte Ltd as Vice-President and its Principal Consultant. The company is an Engineering and Consultancy firm specializing in fuel, lubricants, risk assessments, loss control and claims recovery to the bunkering and shipping community. He was also the program leader and course lecturer for the largely successful Bunkering Disputes courses since 2002 (3 separate editions) with more than 600 participants to date, as well several other titles including Bunker Operations, Ship Safety, Pollution & Low Sulphur Usage, Understanding Bunker Measurement, Practical Approaches to Managing 2020 Bunker Fuels and Strategies for Alternative Fuels & Decarbonization: 2030 & Beyond.

William is well known within the bunkering industry from Europe, to Middle East, to Asia. His expertise is much sought after by the industry as an expert witness, technical consultant, mediator and arbitrator on bunker dispute cases.

Course Methodology

Through theory and case studies, the course will provide fundamental tools and techniques including loss dispute factors, risk assessment critical control points and a review of marine fuel specifications under ISO 8217, ramping up to more detailed exposure to methods for seeking solutions for bunker disputes for eg.:-

  • Examining DNA and forensic testing methods for ISO specifications
  • MARPOL specifications
  • Low sulphur fuel oils and engine problems, viscosity problems, testing of high temperature waxes

With the first-hand knowledge of the course director, the course will examine unconventional testing methodologies adopted by laboratories. An interactive moot arbitration on bunker quality claims, will provide delegates with a simulated environment for real-time responses to a bunker claim.

Who Should Attend


Bunker/Marine fuel buyers, sellers, procurement executives,

Business Managers

Commercial, Business Devt, Shipowners, Charterers, Brokers


Legal Counsel, Maritime Lawyers


Operations, Terminal, Commercial, Sales


Port Operators, Policy Makers

P&I Clubs

Hull & Machinery Insurers, Surveyors

Programme at a Glance

Day One
    • Types of Maritime Claims/Bunker & Bunker Cargo Claims
    • Fundamentals of Sales & Purchase Contracts
    • ‘Stand Out’ Clauses in the Event of Quality & Quantity Disputes
    • CASE STUDY ONE – “Who Claims Who?”
    • Testing Beyond Standard ISO 8217
    • Acceptance & Challenges of Forensic Testing
    • ISO4528 Dispute Clause & Loss Dispute Factors
    • Testing Methodologies & Significance
    • Documentation & Evidence Collection
    • Loss Mitigation

  • Claim Procedures
  • Important Legal Issues Involving Claims
  • What Are Common Bunker Claims
  • CASE STUDY TWO: “What Losses Do I Potentially Suffer?”
  • Setting Up a Bunker/Cargo Claims Department
  • When To Litigate?
  • Differences Between Arbitration & Court Hearing
  • CASE STUDY THREE – Moot Arbitration & Court Hearing

Get In Touch With Us!

+65 6338 0064
